The Fondation BIAT organizes from January the 21th to March 03rd, 2019, in partnership with the MIT Enterprise Pan Arab Forum, the BlooMMasters competition, which will reward Tunisian project, start-up and social enterprises. The competition is open to three tracks of applications :
Can compete any company or to be company registered in Tunisia, regardless of the nationality of the project holder.
Anyone can enter the contest without restriction or age requirements. On the other hand, for minors, Parental and / or administrative authorizations may be requested.
Constitution of the team
Each team must be composed of at least two people. Any modification of the composition of the team initially registered must be communicated to the organizers, for approval, at the following address : The organizers reserve the right to refuse any potential modifications.
The participation in the contest is free. As part of the contest’s events, Fondation BIAT will take care of catering for all semifinalist and finalist participants and accommodation for those residing outside Greater Tunis. Support is limited to two people per project. Candidates are responsible for transportation costs.
Registration details
The candidate must register online on the website of the Fondation BIAT ( and submit his application before 03rd March 2019 at midnight. The application file can be completed in French or English, at the candidate’s choice. Once saved, the file is no longer editable. A project can only claim one application file. The same team can present several projects.
Eligibility for the “Ideas” track
Can apply in this category entrepreneurs in the making with innovative ideas.
Eligibility criteria :
- The project must present an innovative idea of product or service, regardless of the sector of activity
- Innovation can be technological or not
- Each project must be supported by a team of at least two members
- The project is personal and should not be carried by an established company *
- The submitted project must not have received any help or financial support at the time of application
* To receive the BlooMMasters awards, the winning teams must have deposited the status and commercial register of their company, and have a bank account in their name, with a Tunisian bank.
Eligibility for the “Start-up” track
Can compete under this track, start-ups in development presenting an innovative project.
Eligibility Criteria :
- The project must present an innovative idea of a product or service, regardless of the sector of activity:
- For technology companies, a prototype, successfully tested with end-users, must be presented
- For others, the project must have been concretized and distributed to end customers
- Companies must be under 8 years old
- The start-up should not have raised funds more than 500,000 dinars
- Each team must have at least two members
* In order to verify the compliance of the statutes of the selected companies, they must send their complete file consisting of a copy of the patent, the commercial register and the RIB of the company before 30 APRIL 2019 to :
Eligibility for the “Social Enterprise” track
Can apply in this track companies presenting an innovative project and having a societal impact
Eligibility criteria :
- The project must present an innovative idea of a product or service, with a demonstrated societal impact, regardless of the sector of activity
- The social impact can be linked to one or more Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the United Nations and the international community (for more information :
- Companies must be under 8 years old
- The social enterprise should not have raised funds more than 500,000 dinars
- Companies may or may not be lucrative
- Each team must have at least two members
* In order to verify the compliance of the statutes of the selected companies, they must send their complete file consisting of a copy of the patent, the commercial register and the RIB of the company before 30 APRIL 2019 to
Designation of the 60 semi-finalists:
The jury of experts will review the projects submitted on the BlooMMasters website and select 60 semi-finalists (20 per track). Their names will be announced on April 8, 2019.
For each of these tracks, the selection criteria will cover:
- The ability of the team to carry the idea or project;
- Innovation, whether technological or not;
- Scalability
- The impact on the economic and social environment.
The grade awarded by the jury will be composed of:
- 30 % for the quality of the team.
- 70 % for the quality of the project and / or the company and the presentation.
Semi final
The 60 teams selected on file by the jury will be notified by email from 9 April 2019. The selected entrepreneurs will have a period of 48 hours to respond to this email and participate effectively in the semifinal. After this period, they lose the right to participate in the semi-final. The selected entrepreneurs also commit to provide any document required by the contest organizers within the time limit that will be communicated to them in order to be eligible to participate in the semi-final. They will be invited to attend a mandatory training session (pre-bootcamp) allowing them to refine the presentation of their file. The training sessions, conducted by experts and specialists, will take place in Tunis from April 25th to 27th, 2019. Only two people from each of the selected teams for the semifinal will be able to attend the training. Any modification in the composition of the initially registered team must be communicated to the organizers, for approval, at the following address: The organizers reserve the right to refuse any potential modifications.
The semi-finalists will present their project, during an oral presentation that will take place on June 28th, 2019, in Tunis, in front of a jury composed of 4 to 5 experts-entrepreneurs, investors, actors in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Starting the semifinal, the presentations will be done in English. The semi-finalists commit to attend the awards ceremony, June 29th, 2019 in Tunis.
Les demi-finalistes devront présenter leur projet, lors d’un oral qui se déroulera le 28 juin 2019, à Tunis, devant un jury composé de 4 à 5 experts–chefs d’entreprise, investisseurs, acteurs de l’écosystème entrepreneurial. A partir de la demi-finale, les présentations se feront en langue anglaise.
Les demi-finalistes s’engagent à assister à la cérémonie de remise des prix finaux, le 29 juin 2019 à Tunis.
The 30 semi-finalists nominated by the jury will again have their project, orally, on June 29th, 2019. At the end of this presentation, 10 laureates (3 per category, and a special jury prize) will be chosen by the jury.
Each jury will be composed of 4 to 5 experts: entrepreneurs, investors, actors in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Format of the oral presentations
Starting the semifinal stage, the presentations of the projects are oral. They are accompanied by a written support, in the form of slides (5 at max) and possibly a prototype. A computer with a projector will be available to the candidates to present their written support. Candidates have 3 minutes to present and defend their project before the jury which has, at the end of this presentation, 5 minutes to ask questions.
Winners Award ceremony
The Fondation BIAT commits to implement every effort to ensure that the prize money is delivered to the winners within 90 days of the nomination of the candidates (29 June 2019). This estimated time does not constitute a guarantee and any delay in the payment can’t be held against the contest organizers. To receive their prize, the winners will first have had registered their company in Tunisia and opened a bank account in their name, in a Tunisian bank, on which the awarded prize amount will be transferred.
Acceptance of the regulation
By entering the BlooMMasters Contest, any contestant accepts all of the rules and guarantees the accuracy and trueness of all informations provided.
In case of dispute, the competent court will be that of Tunis 1.